Institute for Theology & Law

Christian Faith in the Public Square


Lectures by Professors Kevin Lewis and Scott Waller

Lecture 1 – Introduction

Lecture 2 - Civics & The American System of Government

Lecture 3 – Theology & Law

Lecture 4 – Law & Justice

Lecture 5 - Theology of Church & State

Lecture 6 – The Question of Religion & Politics

Lecture 7 - Political Attitudes and Ideologies

Lecture 8 - The Fourteenth Amendment and Due Process

Lecture 9 - The First Amendment

Lecture 10 - How We Got to Where We're At Today

Lecture 11 - Conclusion


Syllabi for Lectures

Law and Justice

Theology of Civil Government

14th Amendment & Religious Liberty

The Church & Politics

•Profile Information•

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•Memory Usage•


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